About Bellingen Seedsavers

We are a group of like-minded growers of edible and useful heritage plant varieties in the Bellingen area of northeast New South Wales, Australia.

Our climate varies from frost-free coastal areas to inland river valleys and highlands with frosts. Bellingen has an average annual rainfall of 1507ml.

Monday 8 November 2021

Saturday at the Bellingen Community Gardens & Other News

It sure was a warm day in Bellingen, but the well established gardens afforded us lots of shade. The gardens are really looking lush and abundant.
We had lunch and a catch up before Alison took us on a tour of the newly revamped Community Gardens. 
She outlined the new works and ambitions, projects and planned workshops for garden participants, and the focus on community resilience.

Recently, the property owner notified them of intentions to sell on the open market, we might need to find a rich benefactor to assure the garden's future in that location!
Thanks Alison for a lively and inspiring talk and walk.

Diary Dates

Garden visit to Lightstream Lowana

Sunday 21st of November 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Judy and Andrew are natural therapists with specialties in meditation, massage and herbalism. They have been on their MO for a couple of decades, running a successful airbnb as well as improving and adding to the initial buildings and gardens. Now they are mostly retired and throwing themselves fully into the productive gardens.
We're invited for a morning tour of their netted chook/orchard and vegie tunnels, with lunch to follow.

They also have an amazing waterhole at the bottom of property, so for those who have time to linger, a spot of natural bushwalking and a quick dip might also be on the cards - bring your cozzie!

If you are coming down with something, please do not attend the garden tour.

Coming? please click here to RSVP, to obtain the address and so we know who’s attending. Please RSVP even if you already know how to get there.

Organiser: Lisa O'Callaghan / gardenvisits@bellingenseedsavers.com or phone 0417 536 490

Seed & Plant Swaps

Joshua is looking for peanut inoculant or some soil from around inoculated peanuts. If you can help Joshua, please email by clicking here...

Vic is looking for Murnong (Yam Daisy) and is interested in growing some plants.  Do you have any seed or can you offer any advice about growing it in the Bellingen area? If you can help Vic, please email by clicking here...

Are you looking for particular seeds or plants? Do you have an abundance of something to give away?
Email in to news@bellingenseedsavers.com for your search or offer to be put in the newsletter in this section.


Thanks to Jeff for the photos.
Thanks to Leela for the blurb on our next garden visit and the write up from the Bellingen Community Garden visit.


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