About Bellingen Seedsavers

We are a group of like-minded growers of edible and useful heritage plant varieties in the Bellingen area of northeast New South Wales, Australia.

Our climate varies from frost-free coastal areas to inland river valleys and highlands with frosts. Bellingen has an average annual rainfall of 1507ml.

Thursday 22 May 2014

Warrigal Greens (Tetragonia tetragonioides) grows like a weed in our climate

Warrigal Greens plants are always popping up and spreading around and in my garden beds. It loves our climate. It loves well drained soil, water, heat and humidity but also grows well in dry weather. When you have this growing you will never be short of a useful green vegetable. BUT....you must cook it because of its high Oxalic Acid content.

Link to Milkwood with loads of information on foraging, growing and eating Warrigal Greens.

Friday 9 May 2014

Fruit and vegetable harvest May 9 in a subtropical/warm temperate area of NSW


Blue Browallia with red Irisene behind

Brazilian Spinach



Custard Apple

Mouse Melon

Perennial Capsicum


Edible Hibiscus



Kent pumpkin

Lemon Basil

Lucullus silver beet


Meyer Lemon

Mountain Paw Paw

Naranjila flowers

Almost ripe Naranjila fruit



Single tree dahlia

Small white guava

Katuk/Sweet Leaf


Tree Chili

Small cream guava

Wing Bean
Choko/Sechium edule


Just six companies in the world have patented most of the seeds grown in the entire global agricultural market.

Bellingen seed saving workshop
Decisions made in high courts in the 1980s that favored the likes of Monsanto, Dupont, Syngenta, Group Limagraine, Land ‘O Lakes/Winfield Solutions, KWS AG, Bayer, Dow and Sakata have given away our food heritage, built around thousands of years of agricultural knowledge, to a few greedy entities in just a few short decades, but seed saving might just halt this corporate greed and degradation of our food. Read more below.

LINK to Nation of Change Story

Monday 5 May 2014

Visit gardens at Bundagen, 12.30pm May 22. RSVP is a must.

A previous garden tour
We will have a very interesting afternoon as we will visit three gardens in one of the villages.  We will be meeting at the entrance to Bundagen before moving on to the village and it will be important to arrive on time so that we can travel in convoy.  Parking in Bundagen is restricted to designated car parks.  I will need to know that you are coming.  I will let you have all the necessary details as soon as I hear from you.  

Our numbers will be limited and it is essential that we car pool.


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