About Bellingen Seedsavers

We are a group of like-minded growers of edible and useful heritage plant varieties in the Bellingen area of northeast New South Wales, Australia.

Our climate varies from frost-free coastal areas to inland river valleys and highlands with frosts. Bellingen has an average annual rainfall of 1507ml.

Saturday, 3 March 2018

Autumn Plant Fair - Saturday 10 March 2018 - How are you helping? Seed Packaging

Bellingen Seed Savers stall at Bellingen Plant Fair

An URGENT Request For Stall Volunteers

So far we have a total of 3 keen volunteers - Leela, Nick & myself - but that won't be enough...

Early morning is our busiest period!  To hold the BSS stall we need:
4 people for 6:30am to 8:30 set up.
5 people for 8.00 to 10.00;
4 people for 10.00-12.00pm;
3 people for 12.00-2.00pm.

Please advise name, phone number, preferred time slot.
Shifts are usually 2 hours and there is always at least a couple of people rostered on at once.
Many Thanks,

Plant Fair - Raffle Goodies

Donations of fruit, vegies, herbs, preserves and baked goods will be very gratefully received. Please bring donations along on the day to pop into the 2 raffle boxes, or drop them off before Saturday at 19 Henry Boultwood Drive Fernmount 2454 (drop near carport out of driving path).

Plant Fair - Plant Material

Cuttings, seedlings and tubers. Any donations of local edible plant material for sale on the stall would be awesome. We have locquat tree seedlings. What do you have to share from your garden?

Please bring donations along on the day to the stall, or drop them off before Saturday at 19 Henry Boultwood Drive Fernmount 2454 (drop near carport out of driving path).

Diary Dates

Seed Labelling for the Autumn Plant Fair

Tuesday September 6, from 2pm
Remember to seek out the sign-in sheet on arrival.
No shared plate required this time. It's a quick get-this-done session.

The seeds have been prepared and packed into bags, now they need to be put into packets and labelled. Jeff has been super-busy preparing labels for us. All we need to do is turn up spend an hour or so putting bagged seeds into packets and sticking labels on.

Bellingen Seed Savers presents seeds and plants at a stall at the Bellingen Autumn Plant Fair very soon - March 10!
Coming? RSVP to obtain the address and so we know who’s attending, even if you already know how to get there.
Organiser: Jeff Alcott seeds@bellingenseedsavers.com

Cleaning Brassica seed

Packaging seed at Nell's

Packaging and cleaning seed

Sharing growing ideas while we pack seeds.

BSS at the Autumn Plant Fair

Saturday 10 March 2018
6.30am - 3pm (public 8am-2pm)

We are booked in again with a stall. This is our main event for distributing our locally adapted seeds and plants. It is entirely volunteer run.

We need you! Please advise name, phone number and preferred time slot. Stall shifts are usually 2 hours and there is always at least a couple of people rostered on at once.

"Come along to this years Autumn Plant Fair in the beautiful Market Park Bellingen to get your garden started. Autumn is a great time to plant your winter vegetables and set your natives and ornamentals while the soil is moist.

There will be the usual food stalls, huge plant raffle, workshops and music.

Can you volunteer on the day? Please let Gillian know.

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