About Bellingen Seedsavers

We are a group of like-minded growers of edible and useful heritage plant varieties in the Bellingen area of northeast New South Wales, Australia.

Our climate varies from frost-free coastal areas to inland river valleys and highlands with frosts. Bellingen has an average annual rainfall of 1507ml.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Growing Jackfruit, Grumichama and White Mulberry in the Bellinger Valley

Grown from seed, this Jackfruit plant is five years old and has finally carried fruit to maturity.

It is planted in a sunny position, well drained but not irrigated. The temperature did not drop below one or two degrees Celsius in the previous winter.

This mature Grumichama (gold) plant produced fruit in summer. Black fruited Grumichama seems less productive. A young Saba (Malabar) Chestnut is in the foreground.

Eating mulberry leaves

A White Mulberry growing near Bellingen

Coppiced edible-leaf mulberry rows on contour beneath nitrogen-fixing acacias at Las Canadas in Mexico. perennialsolutions.org

White Mulberries are easily grown in the Bellinger Valley but did you know that in other countries varieties are coppiced and grown for their edible leaves. They are cooked as a leafy green vegetable. Some varieties are said to taste better than others.

"Mulberry (Morus alba) White mulberry leaves are cooked and eaten in at least several areas of Latin America. Cuban research has led the way to greater exploitation for human consumption.  They are very high in protein, and selected varieties have very good flavor and texture. Fresh leaf yields can reach an astonishing 53 tons per hectare. Much is known about coppiced mulberry leaf production as it is a critical fodder for silkworm production and also widely used as a fodder for other livestock. Now perhaps it it taking its place as a human fodder as well.
Link 'Perennial Solutions '

1. Lamb Stuffed Mulberry Leaves (not necessarily White Mulberry leaves)

2. Fried Mulberry Leaves: "They have so many items made from the mulberries, wine (which was sweet and so good), tea and even fried mulberry leaves. They are delicious, even the boys ate them."

3. Mulberry Leaf Tea
4. How to Eat Mulberry Leaves in a Salad

Step 1 "Collect young, unopened mulberry leaves in the spring. Once the leaves mature and open, they are toxic and no longer edible, naturalist Steve Brill warns in his book "Identifying and Harvesting Edible and Medicinal Plants in Wild (and Not So Wild) Places."

Step 2 Rinse the leaves in running water to clean them, then boil them for 20 minutes.

Step 3  Drain the water and pat the cooked leaves dry with paper towels.

Step 4  Toss the leaves with greens and other vegetables of your choice to create a salad.

  Another LINK: Trees/or shrubs with edible leaves?

mb-Stuffed Mulberry Leaves

Lamb-Stuffed Mulberry Leav

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