About Bellingen Seedsavers

We are a group of like-minded growers of edible and useful heritage plant varieties in the Bellingen area of northeast New South Wales, Australia.

Our climate varies from frost-free coastal areas to inland river valleys and highlands with frosts. Bellingen has an average annual rainfall of 1507ml.

Monday, 10 August 2020

Newsletter for August 2020

Grow your own food. We share locally adapted, open-pollinated, non-hybrid seeds, plants & knowledge for edible gardening


Bellingen Spring plant fair cancelled

The spring plant fair for 2020 has been cancelled due to COVID 19.

Although the Bellingen plant fairs have been our key distribution outlet for our seeds and other propagating material, cancellation of the plant fair does not cancel our need to distribute seed. Therefore, we will be having a seed packing day on the 3rd of September (see below), followed by seed labelling the following weekend.

If you have seeds, please contact Jeff by email: seeds@bellingenseedsavers.com

You don't need to attend the seed packing day to donate seeds and vice versa, but if you want to do both: thank you!

Diary Dates

Garden visit to Shambaba Retreat

Saturday August 29th, 11:00am-2:00pm

'Shambaba Retreat', formerly known as 'The Old Satyananda Ashram, is now home to a new Bellingen Shire family. They have taken on 12 acres of bushland and established gardens (both ornamental and productive) in beautiful Glennifer. Set up now to operate as a retreat and education centre, they would love to share with us the beauty of the property, and discover more about productive growing in this unique, gorgeous part of the world.


Numbers of course will have to be limited, so rsvp to grab a place, then details and directions will be given to successful respondents. Please keep in mind the concerns of current times for the good of all.


Coming? RSVP to obtain the address and so we know who’s attending, even if you already know how to get there.
Organiser: Leela  gardenvisits@bellingenseedsavers.com

Seed packing at Susan's

Thursday September 3rd, 10:00am-12:00pm

Bellingen Seed Savers will distribute seeds and plants in September. In preparation, we will gather to pack seeds, and share  morning tea and plant knowledge. Susan's garden is in Urunga.


Coming? RSVP to obtain the address and so we know who’s attending, even if you already know how to get there.
Organiser: Leela gardenvisits@bellingenseedsavers.com

Seed & Plant Swaps

Are you looking for particular seeds or plants? Do you have an abundance of something to give away? 
Email in to news@bellingenseedsavers.com for your search or offer to be put in the newsletter in this section.

Lindy is looking for Yakon; rabbits ears lettuce seeds. She can be contacted by email: lindy@lifehouse.net.au

Can you help? Please contact the person directly.


Thanks to Leela and Jeff for sourcing the material for this newsletter and our generous upcoming hosts.

When donating or sharing seeds, please email in the seed information so we know what we have (click the link, the email has the questions ready to fill out)
Email: seeds@bellingenseedsavers.com

Or fill in this PDF form. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to fill this out digitally. Remember to save each seed info as a separately named file!
Or print it out and fill it in by hand. 
Check out the Bellingen Seed Savers blog for recipes, local growing information, Diary Dates and garden visit photos.
Bellingen Seed Savers Chatter is our Facebook group where we can talk and talk and talk on all things seed savers and edible gardening.
www.BellingenSeedSavers.com is our website.
Copyright © 2020 Bellingen Seed Savers, All rights reserved.
You may have signed up at the Seed Savers stall at the Autumn or Spring plant fair in Bellingen, at our website www.bellingenseedsavers.com or at our blog http://bellingenseedsaversunderground.blogspot.com.au

Our mailing address is:
Bellingen Seed Savers
We do not have a public postal mailing address
Please email us if you want to post us something
Bellingen and surrounding towns, NSW  2454

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