About Bellingen Seedsavers

We are a group of like-minded growers of edible and useful heritage plant varieties in the Bellingen area of northeast New South Wales, Australia.

Our climate varies from frost-free coastal areas to inland river valleys and highlands with frosts. Bellingen has an average annual rainfall of 1507ml.

Thursday, 28 February 2019

February Seed Packing at Gillians preparing for March 9 Plant Fair


Probably because it was on the weekend, we had quite a few members turn up to make quick work packing seeds for the coming Bellingen Autumn Plant Fair on March 9.

If you can assist on the stall please contact Gillian or ask another member for contact details.

Note the wonderful view from Gillian's deck.

Jeff, as usual, did a terrific job organising the seeds we needed to process and taking the photos below.

Gillian was a great hostess and lunch was a medley of treats, many dishes grown in our gardens.

"Thanks to Gillian who hosted the seed packing event, Jeff who kept us all organised, to the people who donated seed and to all the happy seed packers.

After spending the previous few days with the threat of being blown away, the weather was very kind to us for the seed packing event. There was not even enough breeze for winnowing off the chaff!

Eighteen volunteers turned up, and with guidance from Jeff and other experienced seed packers, we cleaned and packed seed. Approximately 600 packets of seed were packed into small clip-lock bags. The number of seeds in each bag is determined by the size of the seeds. Purchasers will get a lot more carrot seeds than Madagascar beans.

Besides gaining knowledge on seed preparation, and sharing time and lunch with other seed savers, participants got to take home some seeds which we had excess of and some free produce that some generous members brought from their gardens.

The next step is putting the clip-lock bags into envelopes and labelling them ready for the plant fair on March the 9th."  

From our newsletter

Sunday, 10 February 2019

Garden Visit to Leela’s in Dorrigo

Thanks to all who made the trek up the mountain for a look-see at Leela's latest efforts. The garden has now become very 3 dimensional and productive. She has been expanding and experimenting; some successes and some failures, and lots of learning!

"It's been a couple of years since some of you last saw my 'toy farm'; I have been busy experimenting and shaping my adventure garden and food forest. Having had some successes with grafting, I have planted new fruit avenues and optimistically snuck a few tropicals into the shrubbery 😉

I am also now experimenting with colonising the rafters in my conservatory; always keen to utilize a discovered microclimate! Some other projects are having greater and lesser successes, but still enjoying the challenge and experience of it all."

The living room and decks were brimming with good cheer and good humour, even when Leela hustled everyone out into the garden, plates in hand, before an ominous cloud rolled in.
The geese were chatty, the rain timely, and a jovial day was had by all.

A local garden in February 2018

When Paul from Barefoot Gardens trims our front hedge it makes such a difference.

New garden
 The removal of the nine years old Panama Berry left a sunny space for Salvias, Turmeric and Amaranth. We have planted a new Panama Berry below our shed. The berries taste like boiled lollies.

Great for green goodness in warmer latitudes.
Chaya Spinach Tree
 Photographed from our deck the top of this 2.5m Chaya Spinach Tree appears like a green mound of green goodness.

An excellent Asparagus substitute
Surinam Spinach
Surinam Spinach is great Asparagus substitute.

Crepe Myrtles, pink, mauve and white, are in full flower throughout our district.
Crepe Myrtle
Crepe Myrtles, pink, mauve and white, are in full flower throughout our district.


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