About Bellingen Seedsavers

We are a group of like-minded growers of edible and useful heritage plant varieties in the Bellingen area of northeast New South Wales, Australia.

Our climate varies from frost-free coastal areas to inland river valleys and highlands with frosts. Bellingen has an average annual rainfall of 1507ml.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Subtropical Vegetables that suit our summer climate

Here are some links to resources. There are plenty of 'greens' that grow well in our Subtropical
Sweet Leaf

Garden Drum

Beating a New Path

"Living on a property in the subtropics where I rely totally on rainwater and natural rainfall for watering, I love growing vegetables and at times have been virtually self sufficient, as well as giving excess to friends. However, I am often in full production over the summer and autumn months when it is hot, wet and humid and this is not the time to grow traditional northern European crops."

Florida's faux spinach

The real thing is tough to cultivate here. But plenty of easy-to-grow plants provide us with tasty leaves for a salad or stir-fry.

Green Harvest Nursery

Okinawa Spinach
Gynura crepioides

Syn Hong tsoi, Okinawa lettuce
Okinawa spinach is a dense, low growing plant to 70 cm high. Easily the most low maintenance perennial leaf vegetable; it is a hardy plant and relatively pest-free. Thriving in warm, wet conditions Okinawa spinach does best in subtropical and tropical areas; it is sensitive to frost. An attractive plant with shiny leaves that are green on top and purple underneath; the flowers are very small and orange. It grows best in full sun to partial shade. It needs ample water, rich, fertile well-drained soil that is kept mulched and prefers a pH of between 6.1 and 6.5. More info on growing Okinawa Spinach...

Philippine spinach - Surinam Purslane - Talinum fruticosum - Potherb Fameflower

Surinam Spinach is best protected from cold during the Bellingen Winters, however, Okinawa Spinach is a little hardier.


Growing Mustard greens, also gai choy

 Mustard Greens are quite mild when cooked. The juicy stems can be cooked and the leaf discarded.

Growing NZ Spinach, also Warrigal Greens

Always cook leaves off mature plants to remove oxalic acid. Discard the water. 


Gardening Australia

Fact Sheet: Subtropical Spring Vegies


Earthwise Gardening

Brazilian spinach – a leafy green vegetable for the subtropics


Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Working Bee August 13

Working Bee 
Thursday 13 August 
 starting at 10.00am in Nell’s amazing new shed.  Lots of shelter - so never mind the weather!
We will be packing seeds and potting plants ready for the Plant Fair on Saturday 12 SeptemberPlease let me have all the information you can about your seeds/plants before the working bee so that we can have labels prepared - this week if possible.  This takes quite a long time to do.

At the working bee we will also be designing a new layout for our space and a theme for our stall.

Please bring:

1. Seeds for packing and plants for potting.  
2. Tools for digging and plant pots.
3. A chair
4. Food to share and a coffee cup/mug.

Please let me know if you are coming.

If you haven’t been to Nell’s before, she is only a hop, skip and a jump out of town.


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